Butterfly Bliss
“Butterfly Bliss” is a radiant bouquet of Ecuadorian red and yellow roses wrapped with wine-colored wrapping. Graced with two gold-tone enchanting butterflies and matching ribbons encapsulates beauty, elegance, and warmth. Gift “Butterfly Bliss” to make your special someone’s heart flutter. Can select from 25-100 roses.
“Butterfly Bliss” is a radiant bouquet of Ecuadorian red and yellow roses wrapped with wine-colored wrapping. Graced with two gold-tone enchanting butterflies and matching ribbons encapsulates beauty, elegance, and warmth. Gift “Butterfly Bliss” to make your special someone’s heart flutter. Can select from 25-100 roses.
“Butterfly Bliss” is a radiant bouquet of Ecuadorian red and yellow roses wrapped with wine-colored wrapping. Graced with two gold-tone enchanting butterflies and matching ribbons encapsulates beauty, elegance, and warmth. Gift “Butterfly Bliss” to make your special someone’s heart flutter. Can select from 25-100 roses.