The perfect expression of love. The “Passion” bouquet features velvety red roses that symbolize deep passion, wrapped in hot pink with a matching ribbon. Enhanced by an elegant orchid, this arrangement speaks volumes of love. Surprise your beloved with this exquisite bouquet and let your heartfelt emotions blossom. Can select from 25-100 roses.
The perfect expression of love. The “Passion” bouquet features velvety red roses that symbolize deep passion, wrapped in hot pink with a matching ribbon. Enhanced by an elegant orchid, this arrangement speaks volumes of love. Surprise your beloved with this exquisite bouquet and let your heartfelt emotions blossom. Can select from 25-100 roses.
The perfect expression of love. The “Passion” bouquet features velvety red roses that symbolize deep passion, wrapped in hot pink with a matching ribbon. Enhanced by an elegant orchid, this arrangement speaks volumes of love. Surprise your beloved with this exquisite bouquet and let your heartfelt emotions blossom. Can select from 25-100 roses.